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What We Do


Fixed Technology

Ship Borne Technology

Political Neutrality

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Electronic Water (E-Water) is established as a politically independent and neutral commercial entity to ensure a multinational approach to combat piracy through dissemination of information

Electronic Water

E-Water Technology

Implementation of a real time electronic monitoring technology and reporting strategy that will enable and empower coastal states of the Gulf of Guinea to combat piracy.


A daily risk assessment to identify particularly vulnerable shipping lanes.


This will enable coastal states to implement Article 24 (2) and 25 (1) of the United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).


Our Strategy and Technology


We will implement a two prong approach to combating and reducing losses from piracy.:

The first involves building multiple platforms strategically scattered around the Gulf of Guinea that ensures implementing real time electronic intelligence (ELINT) and communications intelligence (COMINT) . The software we have developed will classify and follow suspicious marine traffic. The algorithms will alert in a timely manner Cargo ships that are in the vicinity of the pirates with a time to contact;

The second involves defensive measures. This is an electronic defense kit that is deployed on cargo ships. The kit will including spectrum monitoring and directional jamming equipment as well as GPS spoofing technology against the pirates. The kit will also include electronic monitoring and alerting equipment.
